In the wake of Global recession or the meltdown, the question isn't anymore about where the money is rather where do we invest it? As witnessed by the world during the recent G8 summit there seems to be a significant rise in importance to our environmental meltdown instead of the financial meltdown. Are countries providing sops to those comapnies which develop Clean Technology solutions? Very few countries like Germany have done that, as most of the other countries are still looking at losses in the business stand point forgetting they would sieze to exist if they do not act today! I am unsure about the question, when is the time to react?
My only answer would be .... please be proactive in this one thing to salvage pride in the human kind!
I have seen westerners use natural resources abundantly for Industrial and trasportation while they have saved considerably in the way they use water responsibly by using paper. But what is the amount of water required to make that paper?
In London city as a move to curb the air pollution there have been 300,000 cyclists who go to work everyday instead of public or private transportation services offering their support and solidarity to the cause of a better tomorrow for our children. Well are they successful? Definitely yes, but will others follow? If the developieng economies of the east wake up and start taking measures today from the learnings in the west......hmmm probably world sounds to be greener for tomorrow!